Saturday, March 26, 2011

thankful for procrastination

It seems as though putting off my boards worked in our favor for more than one reason. First of all, we would have been in Japan during the earthquake and tsunami had we stuck to our original travel plans. Secondly, I had ample time for studying and finally took my boards on 3/23. I found out the following day that I passed, so I am now officially a PA-C! Third, after completing our move from Atlanta (which took forever!), we realized that our original moving schedule was a bit lofty, and we likely would have delayed the trip regardless. The (once highly disappointing) delay in our travels suddenly feels well worth it to us both.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updated Plans

We officially purchased our RTW plane tickets! Carter interviews at Yale on 4/2. We canceled our month in Japan and will stay in the states to work on trip planning for most of April.  Then, finally, on May 9th we depart for our much anticipated and long awaited RTW adventure. Although it has been shorted by a couple of months, we're still covering a good bit of territory. Our final (always subject to change) itinerary is: China, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bali, Turkey, Egypt, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa. This most likely puts us back in the states mid-late August.